Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Why We Give

Giving is designed to be a practical way that we can joyfully respond to God’s grace in our lives. We believe that our money is inextricably linked to our worship, both corporately and individually. You may have heard someone say that the Bible talks more about money than it does anything else. We think it is better to say that the Bible uses money more than anything else to talk about issues of our heart.

Giving isn’t a way to gain favor with God – Jesus has already secured that for us. Giving is a response to God’s gifts and kindness to us. Money collected in offerings and online giving is used to further the mission of our church in Lincoln and throughout the region and world.

How to Give

There are three basic ways to make your tax-deductible contribution:


Send a check made payable to 2 Pillars Church to:

2 Pillars Church
4000 Sheridan Blvd. 
Lincoln, NE  68506

Or feel free to bring your check (or cash) to one of our Sunday Services and place it in one of the GIVE boxes.


Donate securely online.  Make a one-time or recurring gift via credit, debit or ACH by clicking the button below.  

In order to maximize your contribution, please consider giving via ACH which carries the lowest processing fee.


Another way to give is via your bank's bill pay service.  

Every bank is different, but this can usually be set up through your bank's online banking site and can be configured as a one-time or recurring payment.  

For specific information, contact your bank directly.  View a sample of setup instructions.