2 Pillars Church — Gospel Community

Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Gospel Community is the vehicle by which we pursue our church's mission—to make, mature, and unleash missionary disciples who live with gospel faithfulness to the glory of God—and is central to what we do and how we relate with one another as a church.

We gather together throughout the week in Gospel Communities (GCs) in addition to our Sunday morning worship gatherings. Think of Gospel Communities as the 2 Pillars version of small groups.

Primary Gathering

Each week our Gospel Communities meet in what we call Primary Gatherings. These are regular, scheduled (usually weekly) gatherings in which we come together to study God’s Word as a Gospel Community.  

Gospel Community is the vehicle by which we make, mature, and unleash missionary disciples who live with gospel faithfulness to the glory of God.

Many GCs typically work through the same thing – namely, the passage that was preached the prior Sunday Gathering. Other may choose to study through a book of the Bible on their own.

In our Primary Gatherings we learn to grow in our knowledge of the gospel, our understanding of the gospel, and our application of the gospel to our lives.


Our Gospel Communities are not simply small groups or in-home Bible studies. We set out to live life together, extend and model grace to one another, and practice the “one anothers” of Scripture. This is regular and irregular, scheduled and unscheduled.

It may include gathering at the pub, watching a football game together, meeting over coffee or tea, gathering weekly for a shared meal, a play date with kids, going to a concert together, painting a GC member’s house, helping someone move, comforting them in a difficult time or rejoicing with them in a time of celebration.


In addition to living in community, we also purpose to live out our missionary identities as God's sent people together. Each Gospel Community comes together on a regular basis with the end goal of building relationships with non-Christians in order to show and proclaim the hope and good news of the gospel of Jesus.

Want to Learn More?

Fill out our Gospel Community Interest Form by clicking the button below.