Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Pray for Temporary Space

As we look forward to January and the transitions coming our way, one of the biggest remaining questions marks for us is the location of temporary meeting space beginning January 7.  

Our original plan was to begin meeting together in January at the Joyo Theatre (the current meeting location for 2 Pillars Northeast); however, after further consideration we believe that location is not optimal—primarily due to the challenges associated with having enough space to effectively conduct our Little Pillars ministry.

We have at least eight other leads that we have been doggedly pursuing and are currently narrowed-in on 2-3 options.  Pastor Adam and myself have been touring these options the last couple of weeks and are currently waiting to hear back from one of them which should aid in landing on a decision soon.

Please be in prayer over this process in the following ways:

  1. Pray for God's wisdom to guide this decision-making process
  2. Pray for God's generous provision as we seek out what He has for us
  3. Pray for a spirit of unity and adventure in our body as we look to a season of locational upheaval