Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Paul Tripp Marriage Conference: March 16-17

One of our partner churches here in town through the Gospel Coalition, First Street Bible Church, is hosting a FREE re-broadcast of a Paul Tripp Marriage Conference titled "Marriage: What Did You Expect?"

Again, this is a FREE conference that will be going on here in town on Friday evening, March 16th and Saturday morning the 17th.  

You can find all of the details and information about how to register at the link below:

"Marriage: What Did You Expect?" - Details and Registration


By way of invitation, please see the below note from Pastor Robb Rexillius, one of the pastors at First Street:

"We want to invite you/your church families to come if they want/need to....and to invite their friends/co-workers who could use some gospel-centered teaching (outside of the normal Sunday worship service/Sunday School/small group contexts) to join them. We'd love for as many couples/families to benefit from it as possibly can."
