Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Good Friday and Easter Services

Good Friday

Make plans to join us on Good Friday (04/19) for a family-style service (no children's ministry) from 6:30–7:30pm. We'll continue our journey through Exodus, focusing on chapters 11 and 12 that evening—relating the tenth plague and passover to Christ's work for us on the cross.

Easter Sunday

In order to make room for everyone, we will be holding two services on Easter Sunday.  In addition to our normal, 10:00am service, we are adding an 8:30am service. This additional services is for Easter Sunday only.

Both services will be one-hour in length and will be family-style (no children's ministry).

Join Us

We look forward to remembering and celebrating Christ’s death and resurrection along with you!

And spread the word! This is a great time for you to consider inviting co-workers, neighbors, and family who may not have a church home but would be interested in attending a church service on Good Friday and/or Easter.