Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

2 Pillars News

Church Update Regarding Masks | 2021-08-28

This past Tuesday, the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department announced a new Directed Health Measure (DHM). In response, the elders have prayerfully made the decision to require masks for both service times beginning this Sunday, August 29th.

All throughout the pandemic, we’ve had to make hard decisions and this one is no different. As we seek to walk in obedience to the Lord, holding Hebrews 10:25 alongside Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17, we seek to do so in a spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We invite you into the same as we press on together in Christ.

Per the DHM, all persons age 2 and up are required to wear masks. Parents of young children, rest assured that there will be a lot of grace on this both in 2 Pillars Kids as well as in the sanctuary. We know how hard it can be to keep a mask on a 3 year old!

Additionally, the Geneva House will continue to be open, coffee will continue to be served, and you are free to temporarily remove your mask to eat/drink. Again, lots of grace here.

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us via our Contact Page.

Marathon Sunday Festivities

We’d like to invite you to some race day festivities!

The Lincoln Marathon is coming up on the morning of Sunday, May 2 and the course runs right in front of our building along Sheridan Blvd. We’ll be working to create both a festive and hospitable atmosphere for runners and spectators, as well as an opportunity for fellowship for the 2 Pillars Church body.

Will you come out and enjoy this 40-year-old Lincoln tradition with us?

Here’s the plan…


Join us as we cheer on runners and welcome spectators. We'll have music, hot coffee, and donuts and our restrooms and parking lot will be available for public use. 

We expect that the first runner will pass by our building at around 7:15am and the last runners should be running by at around 9:00. 


Once the runners have passed, we’ll move to our front lawn for an hour of fellowship. We’ll provide coffee and some light breakfast items (think donuts, etc.). You just need to bring blankets and/or chairs for sitting. 


Finally, we’ll gather on the front lawn for a single Sunday worship gathering at 10:00. Once again, you’ll need chairs and/or blankets for seating. 

This service will be family-style, which means there will be no 2 Pillars Kids.

We hope to see you on May 2! Please feel free to spread the word and invite others to join us as well! 

For additional Lincoln Marathon details, visit

Worship Service Changes Beginning October 4

Church, please watch the above update detailing changes coming to our Sunday morning worship gatherings beginning in October. 

The text below summarizes the changes as well.


  • Masks required for anyone 5 years of age and up

  • Physical distancing measures in place

  • Sanctuary capacity to be capped at 70 people

  • 2 Pillars Kids available for children ages 0-3; all children are also welcomed in the sanctuary during the service

  • Geneva House to remain closed


  • Masks welcomed***

  • Physical distancing measures in place

  • Sanctuary capacity to be capped at 70 people

  • No 2 Pillars Kids ministry, all children are welcomed in the sanctuary during the service

  • Geneva House to remain closed


For those unable to gather in-person due to health risks, we will continue to live-stream the 8:30am service at


As we resume worshiping indoors, with two services, there are many opportunities and areas of need in terms of serving on Sunday mornings. Please fill out the form at letting us know how you’d like to serve!

*** NOTE: In accordance with Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department Directed Health Measure (DHM) 2020-09, all individuals age five and older are required to wear a face covering when they are in an indoor space that is open to the public unless six feet of separation can be maintained. Masks are not required under the ordinance as long as individuals maintain 6 feet of distance from anyone not in their household. Additionally, Section 7 of the aforementioned DHM exempts religious services, stating that religious services are governed by the the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Directed Health Measure Order 2020-LLHD-009, which has since been replaced by 2020-LLHD-010 (i.e. Phase IV re-opening), which removes the DHM section on churches and simply asks churches to follow the DHHS “Guidelines for the Conduct of Faith-Based Services Including Weddings and Funerals Held in Houses of Worship” which do not require the wearing of masks but rather provide guidance for physical distancing.

2 Pillars Statement on Racial Justice, Restoration, and Renewal

2 Pillars Church is a part of the Acts 29 Network—a diverse, global family of church planting churches. As a part of this network, we exist in a family of nearly 800 churches worshiping in more than 30 languages across more than 50 nations. 

The elders of 2 Pillars Church stand together with our fellow Acts 29 churches, as well as like-minded churches in our city, in calling for racial justice, restoration, and renewal, by affirming the following statement:

Please take some time to read the statement for yourself. May it stir your affections for Jesus and your longing for justice, restoration, and renewal.

Grace and peace.

Coronavirus Update #03 | March 21, 2020

2 Pillars,

Here are a number of updates related to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.


The first confirmed case of COVID-19 has been reported in Lancaster County. Officials were clear that this case was due to travel to the state of Colorado (which reported 280 COVID-19 cases on Thursday), not community spread. 

This brings Nebraska’s total to 38 confirmed COVID-19 cases, a number that is expected to rise.


2PC Live - Promo - IG.png

Out of love for our neighbors and our city and in submission to our governing authorities, we will not be gathering, in person, for worship this Sunday, March 22. Instead, we will be live-streaming our worship service tomorrow at 10:00am at

Along with the livestream video, we’ll be putting liturgy, worship music, and family discipleship/worship resources from 2PC Kids into your hands. 

We encourage you to share this link with your friends, family, and neighbors as well. Here are a couple of images to help you spread the word: IG / WIDE


We’ve begun to put together some information about the COVID-19 outbreak and our response on our website. You’ll find an FAQ, lists of state and local resources, and forms for those who either need help or want to provide help and assistance to those in need. 

Check it out on our website →


Please remember that Gospel Communities will not be gathering this week. We’ll communicate details about possible supplemental video conference gatherings as well as our plan for Gospel Communities moving forward early this next week.


We’re using Zoom, a video conferencing service, fairly heavily during this season of social distancing. 

A couple of notes about Zoom: 

  1. When you log-on, we encourage you to turn your video on. It’s good for us to to see one another digitally, especially since we can’t see one another physically. 

  2. If you’re having any trouble with Zoom, please send a message to one of the elders and we’ll do our best to get you up and running.


A special thanks to Anthony Estrada, Matthew Grant, Braden Storer, Mike Reinmiller, Stephanie Vadnais, and Kim Mueller who have been working hard behind the scenes to prepare for our Sunday livestream, get resources up on our website, and to put family worship resources into the hands of 2PC Kids parents. 

That’s all for now. While we’ll miss gathering with you in person tomorrow, we are looking forward to worshiping Jesus together with you from a distance. We hope to see you there!

–Pastor Adam

Coronavirus Update #01 | March 14, 2020

2 Pillars family,

The elders have been closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, particularly in our state and city, and we will continue to do so. 


After much prayer and discussion, we have decided to hold a single worship service tomorrow at 10:15am. However, in an effort to take extra precautions, the morning will be modified in a number of ways. Here are the details: 

  • It’s worth repeating that our first service (8:30am) has been cancelled. We will gather for worship at 10:15am.

  • Our worship service will be family-style—no 2PC Kids ministry. 

  • With a few exceptions (we’ve reached out to you directly if you’re an exception), all volunteer roles and needs have been cancelled. 

  • All classes, including Gospel DNA and Porterbrook, have been cancelled.

  • We will not be brewing coffee.

  • We will not be printing or handing out Worship Guides.

  • We will continue to partake in the Lord’s Supper, using pre-cut bread and our normal, individual cups of wine/juice.


Additionally, we are asking everyone to avoid physical contact with one another (handshakes, high fives, hugs, fist bumps, butterfly kisses, etc.). Instead, show your sisterly/brotherly love for one another with smiles, waves, bows, and words. 


We want to make it clear that, while we will be gathering tomorrow morning, those who decide to stay home should do so free of guilt, shame, or judgement. We ask those who are sick to remain at home (if you attend tomorrow and are sick, we will lovingly encourage you to return home). 

Additionally, we would encourage those who fall into a number of groups that are at higher/special risk to consider remaining at home. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—see this link and this link—and research reported by the New York Times, this includes: 

  • Older Adults

  • People who have serious chronic medical conditions like:

    • Heart disease

    • Diabetes

    • Lung disease

    • High blood pressure

  • Smokers

  • Those with compromised immune systems, including those with autoimmune disorders

Of course, if you think that you might have been exposed to COVID-19 (even if you aren’t showing symptoms), then we ask that you remain at home as well.

Sermon audio from this Sunday’s gathering will be posted to our website as usual and we are exploring the possibility of live steaming our services in the future. 


While we are committed to gathering for worship as the Body of Christ, our decision to gather concerns this Sunday only. We will continue to work with local officials, collaborate with area churches and leaders, as well as monitor the CDC for updates, resources, and information. If best practice and/or government mandate leads us to adjust our plans further or postpone Sunday morning worship gatherings altogether, we will do so and inform you promptly. 

Additional updates and information (e.g. regarding Gospel Communities and other small-group gatherings) will be posted in the days ahead. 


Finally, a number of spiritual and material needs will likely arise in our body and in our city in the days ahead. We would love for you to communicate those needs to us as elders. 

Please email us at elders (at) 2pillarschurch (dot) com to: 

  • Let us know if you're sick

  • Let us know if you have immediate physical/material needs (e.g. food, medicine)

  • Let us know how we can be praying for you (e.g. related to health, job and financial impact of outbreak, spiritual well-being)

  • Let us know if there are needs in our city or neighborhoods that we can help meet/serve as a church

And don’t forget about The Neighborhood on Realm (email us if you need an account). Needs and prayer requests along with desires to help and serve others can be posted there for the entire 2PC body to see.

As the Body of Christ, may we trust the Lord, seek His face in Word and prayer, and serve others faithfully! 

We love you and continue to pray for you. 

–Pastor Adam, on behalf of the elders of 2 Pillars Church

A Statement Regarding Coronavirus

2 Pillars,

It’s been a busy couple of days for news related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, President Trump made a primetime address to the nation, the NBA suspended its season, the NCAA announced March Madness will be played in empty arenas, the Nebraska School Activities Association announced that fan attendance at the 2020 Boys State Basketball Championships will be limited, and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln very recently announced that classes will be taught online for the remainder of the Spring semester.

In light of these and other developments over the past days and weeks, it is important that we consider the potential impact of COVID-19 on our church body, its members, and its gatherings along with the surrounding community that we call home. 

Here are several updates and related thoughts to keep in mind in the days and weeks ahead: 

This issue is on our radar and a topic of ongoing discussion for us as elders. We'll continue to monitor news updates as well as the responses of other churches and organizations in our city (e.g. Lincoln Public Schools) and region.

We plan to gather for worship this Sunday, March 15, at our normal times. We hope to see you at 8:30 and 10:15am. 

We will continue to partake in the Lord's Supper together. We will, however, be making adjustments to how we serve the bread, which we will explain on Sunday morning. 

Small group gatherings (e.g. Gospel Communities, women's Bible study) are encouraged to continue to meeting. However, everyone should use discretion and wisdom regarding attendance and/or cancellation. 

Remember the God we serve. He is abundant in power and his wisdom and knowledge are beyond measure (Ps 147:5). He is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble (Nahum 1:7). There is none like Him (Ps 113:5–6). He is sovereign over all things (Ps 135:5–7). And He loves His people and calls us His children (1 John 3:1–3).

Respond in faith, not fear. Mark Oden, writing for The Gospel Coalition:

[P]erhaps this crisis is challenging us to react in a different way—with faith and not fear. Faith not in the stars or in some unknown deity. Rather, faith in Jesus Christ, the good shepherd who is also the resurrection and the life. ... Surely only Jesus is in control of this situation; surely only he can guide us through this storm. He calls us to trust and believe, to have faith and not fear.

We face our trials, and even our fears, as those who have the promise of eternal hope in Christ. Seek refuge in Him.

Take appropriate steps to protect yourself. Responding in faith, not fear, doesn't mean that we shouldn't be careful. Wash your hands thoroughly and often. Use hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your face unnecessarily. And so on…

Take appropriate steps to protect others. One of the most significant ways that you can do this is by staying home if you're sick. In the event that you're scheduled to serve in some way on a Sunday morning, reach out to one of the elders or another leader and we'll make sure to get you covered. 

Care well for one another. This is a biblical imperative for us as the Body of Christ. Not even COVID-19 absolves us from our responsibility to/for one another. Further, the manner in which love and care for one another in the midst of this outbreak will say something to the world around us about the Savior we worship (John 13:35). May they see our good deeds and our love for one another and glorify God on the day of visitation (1 Peter 2:12). 

Stay tuned to Realm for future updates. I expect this will be the first update of several. Please make sure that you and others in your Gospel Communities are on Realm and that your notification settings (in the "2 Pillars Church" group, in particular) are set to notify you when updates are posted. 

Of course, please feel free to reach out to the elders, via Realm or email, if you have additional questions or concerns:

  • Ben - ben ( at ) 2pillarschurch ( dot ) com

  • Craig - craig ( at ) 2pillarschurch ( dot ) com

  • Todd - todd ( at ) 2pillarschurch ( dot ) com

  • Adam - adam ( at ) 2pillarschurch ( dot ) com

We love you and are praying for you. Grace and peace be with you all. 

–Pastor Adam

Good Friday and Easter Services

Good Friday

Make plans to join us on Good Friday (04/19) for a family-style service (no children's ministry) from 6:30–7:30pm. We'll continue our journey through Exodus, focusing on chapters 11 and 12 that evening—relating the tenth plague and passover to Christ's work for us on the cross.

Easter Sunday

In order to make room for everyone, we will be holding two services on Easter Sunday.  In addition to our normal, 10:00am service, we are adding an 8:30am service. This additional services is for Easter Sunday only.

Both services will be one-hour in length and will be family-style (no children's ministry).

Join Us

We look forward to remembering and celebrating Christ’s death and resurrection along with you!

And spread the word! This is a great time for you to consider inviting co-workers, neighbors, and family who may not have a church home but would be interested in attending a church service on Good Friday and/or Easter.

Weather Update for February 24

We WILL gather for worship tomorrow morning at our normal time (10am). The gathering will be family-style—no 2 Pillars Kids.

The final week of the “How to Read the Bible” class as well as the All Church Meeting have both been postponed until next Sunday, March 3.

If you are a scheduled volunteer, please feel no obligation to get here in time to serve—we have coordinated to make sure that we have all the major bases covered.

Stay safe, and we'll worship Jesus with you in the morning if you're able to make it.

Easter: The Superbowl of the Church World?

On Easter, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. A friend of mine calls Easter Sunday the “Superbowl of the church world.”

As with all metaphors, you can’t apply too much pressure or it will inevitably break. That said, the Superbowl reference does a decent job of illustrating the significance of Easter Sunday in a way that is easy to understand.

Superbowl Sunday is the most anticipated, most popular, and most-watched sporting event in the United States—by a long shot. The NFL season is a long road that leads to this single destination.

Similarly, Easter is the most significant, most anticipated day in the church world.

But why?

Surely Easter baskets can’t hold a candle to Christmas trees loaded with presents! So, what makes the Easter celebration of Jesus’ resurrection so significant?

The Resurrection Is a Miraculous Event

My ninth grade biology teacher began our first day of class by directing our attention to a dead frog floating in a jar of formaldehyde. He promised an automatic “A” to anyone who was able to bring the amphibian back to life.

As you have surely guessed, none of us collected on his offer that year. We all had to earn our grade the old fashioned way.

You see, despite all our medical breakthroughs and scientific advancements, humanity hasn’t managed to find an answer to the problem of death. As the saying goes, nothing is certain but death and taxes. Death is the inevitable, inescapable fate that awaits us all.

This is precisely what makes the resurrection of Jesus so extraordinary and miraculous. Following his crucifixion, Jesus was dead. Lifeless. Just like that frog in the jar in my ninth grade biology class.

The story doesn’t end there, however.

Jesus rose again! He rose in victory over death. This resurrection wasn’t metaphorical or figurative. It isn’t a fairy tale we tell our kids. It was actual. It was physical. It happened. Jesus defeated death.

The Resurrection Is Foundational to the Christian Faith

Not only was the resurrection a miraculous event, but it is also foundational to the Christian faith. In the Bible, the Apostle Paul explains:

Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:12–14)

Paul is saying here, among other things, that if Jesus wasn’t raised from the dead, then the Christian faith is in vain. It’s worthless. In other words, if you’re a skeptic looking for the most effective way to undermine the Christian faith, then the resurrection is your point of attack. If Christ wasn’t raised from the dead, then Christianity crumbles.

So, on Easter Sunday Christians are celebrating the very event that defines and upholds their faith.

The Resurrection Is Essential for the Christian Life

The resurrection isn’t merely significant for the Christian faith in general, however, but also for the Christian life in particular.

By faith in Jesus, one is united with Him in His resurrection. Jesus’ victory over death and the grave becomes our victory over death and the grave. Jesus victory over sin and Satan becomes our victory over sin and Satan.

This victory allows the Christian to turn from the sin that once enslaved her and walk in joyful obedience to Jesus. It also gives the Christian hope—a hope that will not disappoint. This hope is the ultimate and eternal answer to the universal problem of death. Through faith in Jesus, we look forward to eternal life in Heaven with Him.

Jesus Is Risen

This Sunday at 10:00AM, 2 Pillars Church will be gathering to celebrate the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s going to be a party!

Not a Christian? That’s okay.

If you would like to hear more about Jesus, His resurrection, and what it could mean for you, then I invite you to join us.

Jesus is risen. He is risen indeed!


Photo Credit: Onilad

What's So "Good" About Good Friday?


Good Friday is the day of the year where Christians remember and celebrate the death of Jesus.  Death isn't something that we typically celebrate, so… what is it that is so "good" about Good Friday?

To make sense of this, we need to understand something about sin, something about blood, and something about Jesus.


The Bible teaches that every single one of us is sinful.  This includes you and it includes me.  Biblically speaking, however, we're not just considered sinful because we don't do what we should do (sins of omission) and do do what we shouldn't do (sins of commission); rather, we're born sinful.  Sin therefore infects every aspect of who we are - our actions, thoughts, emotions - everything.  

Another way to say that is to say: we're not sinful because we sin, we sin because we're sinful.

The Bible further teaches that because of our sinfulness, we are at odds with God and that when we die, if our relationship with God is not repaired, that we will spend eternity apart from God in what the Bible calls hell.

Blood Must Be Shed

When it comes to repairing our relationship with God, the Bible teaches that we are not able to do that in-and-of ourselves because everything we do is tainted by our sinfulness.  What that means is that even our best efforts to seek God or please God are not enough to repair the broken relationship with God.  Nothing we do can repair it.

Going to church every week can't do it. Reading the Bible every day can't do it.  Praying every morning can't do it.  Alleviating poverty can't do it.  Nothing we do can repair our broken relationship with God.

Instead, the Bible teaches, blood must be shed.  In fact, as you read through the Old Testament, that's exactly what the sacrifice system is all about: making atonement.  Making atonement is just a fancy way of saying that it is through the sacrifice that God's wrath is removed for an offense against God (sin).  More simply: blood must be shed in order for the wrath of God which we deserve for our sin to be appeased.

Enter Jesus.


The Bible teaches that Jesus came to repair, once for all, the broken relationship between us and God.  That God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Jesus died for us (Romans 5:8).  That Jesus, the Son of God, was sent by the love of God the Father to rescue us in our brokenness and to repair our relationship.

When Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday, he put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.  Having come and having lived the perfect life, he died the perfect death, in our place for our sin.  It was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices and he did it for us.

And when we believe and trust in Jesus, this is effective for us.  Not only is the wrath of God due to us for our sin appeased, but we are forgiven, redeemed, and restored according to the riches of his grace which he lavishes upon us.  When you believe and trust in Jesus, your broken relationship is fully and finally repaired.

That's what is so good about Good Friday.  That's why we, as Christians, remember and celebrate this day.  

Celebrate With Us

If you'd like to learn more about Good Friday or simply need a place to remember and celebrate it, we invite you to join us this Friday at 6:30pm for a one-hour worship gathering at the 2 Pillars Church building on the corner of 15th and South.

Photo Credit: Jason St Peter

Know Lincoln. Engage Lincoln. Champion Lincoln.


We love our city. That's what this new blog is about.

2 Pillars Church doesn't exist in a vacuum. Our people live in Lincoln, they work in Lincoln, and they go to school in Lincoln. They go out to eat in Lincoln restaurants, they meet for happy hour in Lincoln bars, they shop in Lincoln stores, they take their kids to play in Lincoln parks, they work out in Lincoln gyms, they run and bike on Lincoln trails, they attend concerts at Lincoln venues, and they volunteer in Lincoln organizations.

The Vision

Several months ago, a few of us from 2 Pillars began to pursue a vision for creating a digital space, the 2 Pillars blog, that would be about Lincoln and for Lincoln. It's common for a church to have a blog on it's website that's about church people and for church people. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that approach—we simply wanted to do something different and shift our focus away from ourselves and toward our city.

Well, here we are. We launched a new, redesigned website this week, and with it, we launch the 2 Pillars Blog. Over the coming days, weeks, and months we plan to post content with three main goals in mind: know Lincoln, engage Lincoln, and champion Lincoln.

Know Lincoln

We want to know Lincoln and its people better. So, as we explore our city, we'll let you know what we learn along the way. The possibilities are nearly endless here, but some examples of what we might highlight are local businesses and organizations, history and architecture, as well as events and people.

Engage Lincoln

I've pointed out that this isn't a blog about church people and for church people. That said, we won't refrain from writing about many of the topics you would expect from a church blog (e.g. Jesus, Christianity, the Bible, church). We will, however, write about them differently. Our goal here is to write in a way that engages those in our city who don't necessarily hang out at church on Sundays, know much about the Bible, identify with Jesus, or call themselves Christians.

Champion Lincoln

We bring a pro-Lincoln bias to the table and we do so unapologetically. We love our city and we intend to be champions for our city. Lincoln is a great place and we want others to know why. On the other hand, we know that Lincoln is not immune to brokenness. Lincoln has needs and we want to promote those needs as well.

Follow Us

So, we invite you follow along and check back regularly as members of the 2 Pillars community begin to make this vision for the 2 Pillars blog a reality. We hope you enjoy the content as much as we do producing it.

For regular updates, subscribe to the 2 Pillars blog via RSS or Email.