Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Coronavirus Update #01 | March 14, 2020

2 Pillars family,

The elders have been closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, particularly in our state and city, and we will continue to do so. 


After much prayer and discussion, we have decided to hold a single worship service tomorrow at 10:15am. However, in an effort to take extra precautions, the morning will be modified in a number of ways. Here are the details: 

  • It’s worth repeating that our first service (8:30am) has been cancelled. We will gather for worship at 10:15am.

  • Our worship service will be family-style—no 2PC Kids ministry. 

  • With a few exceptions (we’ve reached out to you directly if you’re an exception), all volunteer roles and needs have been cancelled. 

  • All classes, including Gospel DNA and Porterbrook, have been cancelled.

  • We will not be brewing coffee.

  • We will not be printing or handing out Worship Guides.

  • We will continue to partake in the Lord’s Supper, using pre-cut bread and our normal, individual cups of wine/juice.


Additionally, we are asking everyone to avoid physical contact with one another (handshakes, high fives, hugs, fist bumps, butterfly kisses, etc.). Instead, show your sisterly/brotherly love for one another with smiles, waves, bows, and words. 


We want to make it clear that, while we will be gathering tomorrow morning, those who decide to stay home should do so free of guilt, shame, or judgement. We ask those who are sick to remain at home (if you attend tomorrow and are sick, we will lovingly encourage you to return home). 

Additionally, we would encourage those who fall into a number of groups that are at higher/special risk to consider remaining at home. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—see this link and this link—and research reported by the New York Times, this includes: 

  • Older Adults

  • People who have serious chronic medical conditions like:

    • Heart disease

    • Diabetes

    • Lung disease

    • High blood pressure

  • Smokers

  • Those with compromised immune systems, including those with autoimmune disorders

Of course, if you think that you might have been exposed to COVID-19 (even if you aren’t showing symptoms), then we ask that you remain at home as well.

Sermon audio from this Sunday’s gathering will be posted to our website as usual and we are exploring the possibility of live steaming our services in the future. 


While we are committed to gathering for worship as the Body of Christ, our decision to gather concerns this Sunday only. We will continue to work with local officials, collaborate with area churches and leaders, as well as monitor the CDC for updates, resources, and information. If best practice and/or government mandate leads us to adjust our plans further or postpone Sunday morning worship gatherings altogether, we will do so and inform you promptly. 

Additional updates and information (e.g. regarding Gospel Communities and other small-group gatherings) will be posted in the days ahead. 


Finally, a number of spiritual and material needs will likely arise in our body and in our city in the days ahead. We would love for you to communicate those needs to us as elders. 

Please email us at elders (at) 2pillarschurch (dot) com to: 

  • Let us know if you're sick

  • Let us know if you have immediate physical/material needs (e.g. food, medicine)

  • Let us know how we can be praying for you (e.g. related to health, job and financial impact of outbreak, spiritual well-being)

  • Let us know if there are needs in our city or neighborhoods that we can help meet/serve as a church

And don’t forget about The Neighborhood on Realm (email us if you need an account). Needs and prayer requests along with desires to help and serve others can be posted there for the entire 2PC body to see.

As the Body of Christ, may we trust the Lord, seek His face in Word and prayer, and serve others faithfully! 

We love you and continue to pray for you. 

–Pastor Adam, on behalf of the elders of 2 Pillars Church