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Know Lincoln. Engage Lincoln. Champion Lincoln.


We love our city. That's what this new blog is about.

2 Pillars Church doesn't exist in a vacuum. Our people live in Lincoln, they work in Lincoln, and they go to school in Lincoln. They go out to eat in Lincoln restaurants, they meet for happy hour in Lincoln bars, they shop in Lincoln stores, they take their kids to play in Lincoln parks, they work out in Lincoln gyms, they run and bike on Lincoln trails, they attend concerts at Lincoln venues, and they volunteer in Lincoln organizations.

The Vision

Several months ago, a few of us from 2 Pillars began to pursue a vision for creating a digital space, the 2 Pillars blog, that would be about Lincoln and for Lincoln. It's common for a church to have a blog on it's website that's about church people and for church people. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that approach—we simply wanted to do something different and shift our focus away from ourselves and toward our city.

Well, here we are. We launched a new, redesigned website this week, and with it, we launch the 2 Pillars Blog. Over the coming days, weeks, and months we plan to post content with three main goals in mind: know Lincoln, engage Lincoln, and champion Lincoln.

Know Lincoln

We want to know Lincoln and its people better. So, as we explore our city, we'll let you know what we learn along the way. The possibilities are nearly endless here, but some examples of what we might highlight are local businesses and organizations, history and architecture, as well as events and people.

Engage Lincoln

I've pointed out that this isn't a blog about church people and for church people. That said, we won't refrain from writing about many of the topics you would expect from a church blog (e.g. Jesus, Christianity, the Bible, church). We will, however, write about them differently. Our goal here is to write in a way that engages those in our city who don't necessarily hang out at church on Sundays, know much about the Bible, identify with Jesus, or call themselves Christians.

Champion Lincoln

We bring a pro-Lincoln bias to the table and we do so unapologetically. We love our city and we intend to be champions for our city. Lincoln is a great place and we want others to know why. On the other hand, we know that Lincoln is not immune to brokenness. Lincoln has needs and we want to promote those needs as well.

Follow Us

So, we invite you follow along and check back regularly as members of the 2 Pillars community begin to make this vision for the 2 Pillars blog a reality. We hope you enjoy the content as much as we do producing it.

For regular updates, subscribe to the 2 Pillars blog via RSS or Email.