Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Coronavirus Update #03 | March 21, 2020

2 Pillars,

Here are a number of updates related to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.


The first confirmed case of COVID-19 has been reported in Lancaster County. Officials were clear that this case was due to travel to the state of Colorado (which reported 280 COVID-19 cases on Thursday), not community spread. 

This brings Nebraska’s total to 38 confirmed COVID-19 cases, a number that is expected to rise.


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Out of love for our neighbors and our city and in submission to our governing authorities, we will not be gathering, in person, for worship this Sunday, March 22. Instead, we will be live-streaming our worship service tomorrow at 10:00am at

Along with the livestream video, we’ll be putting liturgy, worship music, and family discipleship/worship resources from 2PC Kids into your hands. 

We encourage you to share this link with your friends, family, and neighbors as well. Here are a couple of images to help you spread the word: IG / WIDE


We’ve begun to put together some information about the COVID-19 outbreak and our response on our website. You’ll find an FAQ, lists of state and local resources, and forms for those who either need help or want to provide help and assistance to those in need. 

Check it out on our website →


Please remember that Gospel Communities will not be gathering this week. We’ll communicate details about possible supplemental video conference gatherings as well as our plan for Gospel Communities moving forward early this next week.


We’re using Zoom, a video conferencing service, fairly heavily during this season of social distancing. 

A couple of notes about Zoom: 

  1. When you log-on, we encourage you to turn your video on. It’s good for us to to see one another digitally, especially since we can’t see one another physically. 

  2. If you’re having any trouble with Zoom, please send a message to one of the elders and we’ll do our best to get you up and running.


A special thanks to Anthony Estrada, Matthew Grant, Braden Storer, Mike Reinmiller, Stephanie Vadnais, and Kim Mueller who have been working hard behind the scenes to prepare for our Sunday livestream, get resources up on our website, and to put family worship resources into the hands of 2PC Kids parents. 

That’s all for now. While we’ll miss gathering with you in person tomorrow, we are looking forward to worshiping Jesus together with you from a distance. We hope to see you there!

–Pastor Adam