Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Worship Service Changes Beginning October 4

Church, please watch the above update detailing changes coming to our Sunday morning worship gatherings beginning in October. 

The text below summarizes the changes as well.


  • Masks required for anyone 5 years of age and up

  • Physical distancing measures in place

  • Sanctuary capacity to be capped at 70 people

  • 2 Pillars Kids available for children ages 0-3; all children are also welcomed in the sanctuary during the service

  • Geneva House to remain closed


  • Masks welcomed***

  • Physical distancing measures in place

  • Sanctuary capacity to be capped at 70 people

  • No 2 Pillars Kids ministry, all children are welcomed in the sanctuary during the service

  • Geneva House to remain closed


For those unable to gather in-person due to health risks, we will continue to live-stream the 8:30am service at


As we resume worshiping indoors, with two services, there are many opportunities and areas of need in terms of serving on Sunday mornings. Please fill out the form at letting us know how you’d like to serve!

*** NOTE: In accordance with Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department Directed Health Measure (DHM) 2020-09, all individuals age five and older are required to wear a face covering when they are in an indoor space that is open to the public unless six feet of separation can be maintained. Masks are not required under the ordinance as long as individuals maintain 6 feet of distance from anyone not in their household. Additionally, Section 7 of the aforementioned DHM exempts religious services, stating that religious services are governed by the the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Directed Health Measure Order 2020-LLHD-009, which has since been replaced by 2020-LLHD-010 (i.e. Phase IV re-opening), which removes the DHM section on churches and simply asks churches to follow the DHHS “Guidelines for the Conduct of Faith-Based Services Including Weddings and Funerals Held in Houses of Worship” which do not require the wearing of masks but rather provide guidance for physical distancing.